A Module Needs a Name

We are building a modular system. Anything is a module. The configuration database, the protocols, the avatar display, the buddy list, i18n, anything.

But there is one very central module. Some of us call it the "facility manager". It manages URLs, chat rooms, participants in rooms, and it builds a model of the user's presence. Display modules query the "facility manager" and enumerate the data structures of the presence model. The "facility manager" knows who is in which room, it knows what happens in rooms, and it mediates between protocol modules and display modules. The "facility manager" uses protocol modules to enter chat rooms. It gets network events, builds the presence model, and presents it to display modules.

The "facility manager" is the model in MVC. But neither "model" nor "facility manager" are cool names. The thing needs a name. A real name, a cool name. So, that we can talk about the thing. Any ideas?

Open Meeting 3

Locations and displays:

  • There will be multiple displays per location. If URLs of 2 browsers point to the same location, then both browsers will have the same display. This means, that multiple "displays" can be attached to a single "location".
  • A chat window will be regarded as a "display". As a (positive) side effect, it will be possible to be in a room with only a chat window, but without a browser window.

Browser tabs:

  • Browser tabs will keep you entered, but you won't see people since you do not see the web page. A tab change will not leave/enter.
  • Only the status will change so, that other people know, that your tab is not active. There will be a special status for "active, but not on this page".

Roadmap timeline:

  • The roadmap has been updated with dates for the next milestones. Please see the roadmap page.

Place: Haus 73, Schulterblatt, Hamburg, Germany
Date: 18.06.2009, 13:30

Our shiny new Headquarter

We moved into our new HQ this monday!
From now on the open virtual world project will be developed right from the roof of the "Schanze", a central district of Hamburg, Germany.

The office is on the top floor of an old factory building with lots of space, light and air.

The photo shows the kitchen/conference table and parts of the roof-deck (on the left).

Now the equipment is set up, the keys and passwords had been handed over and we continue work at a gorgeous new office.

we happy.


Our Open Virtual World client will be available for Windows and Mac.

The client will be programmed in a platform independent way. It can be ported to other platforms as well. The client will also be available for Linux. But we may need your help to do this as quickly as possible.

Beyond that, the architecture will be documented and libraries will be available, so that anyone can create a similar and compatible program in any programming language.


We decided to use existing chat protocols for the Open Virtual World. People who meet on Web pages will actually meet in chat rooms hosted by chat servers.

We will start with XMPP, because it is extensible, modern, and because it gains more and more speed. XMPP is THE open instant messaging and chat protocol.

Later we will add other protocols. We are building an open architecture, that can use different protocols. XMPP ist the first. But IRC and others will follow. It is not really important which protocol people use to meet. The important point is, that they meet on the Web.

Why don't we create our own protocol? We have very much experience with chat and communication systems. We know that features of chat systems map nicely on the Open Virtual World. There are already well known protocols with all the features we need. There are client and server coponents. Even more important, there are people with know how. People, who already run chat servers. People, who know how to program additional components.

We need these people. We need YOU to make the Open Virtual World as rich as the Web.

Open Source and Competition

We are creating an open system. The software will be available with an Open Source License. We do not believe, that we can sell the client or server software. Therefore we publish everything and use the benefits of Open Source in return.

Of course, later we have to earn money to operate some servers at least. We will create and offer virtual goods. You will be able to get virtual resources, to craft virtual goods, to trade, use, and sell them. We will also sell additional virtual goods, which you can use to craft even better virtual items. But you do not have to. The system will be open and free to play.

We strive to create an open virtual world on the Web similar to weblin and RocketOn, but better, richer, more important, and more open for your participation. We do what weblin could have done. We think what weblin did not think of. We have more ideas than they had. We plan what weblin did not plan.

The open virtual world will be THE virtual world on the Web. It will be open just like the Web with millions of clients, and servers, and many services. We will create services for you and we hope, that other people will do the same. We believe, that competition makes this virtual world as interesting and diverse as the Web itself.