Working on an Installer

We are currently working on an installer program. We were very happy with the weblin installer, which is a small EXE and downloads a separate ZIP file. We aim for a similar design. It might not do automatic updates in the first version, but we are currently laying the foundations for it.

Tell us if you have suggestions or experiences with the old installer you want to share. Now is the time to improve things.


Marmel said...

Weblin installer could not automatically update in Windows Vista correctly. It is not installed the new files into the program folder but its in folder my documents. Cause of this problem: UAC!

Greets Marmel

Macr@Soft said...

Hello ... dear, Heiner about the installer could be a simple zip file for easy access to the public, the install of weblin was pretty good too, and we also have the Adobe Flex Builder 3, which also works on the development of the current project since it will use Adobe Air

Anonymous said...

Wenn eine neue Version rauskommt, würde ich die alte Version noch als komplette Exe.file anbieten, die keine zip-file aus dem Netz runterlädt, weil doch einige mit neuen weblinversionen Schwierigkeiten hatten,bei einigen lief es dann nicht richtig, oder sie haben keinen mehr gesehen....

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